I finally was able to finish that research paper. Albeit, I didn't know what in the world I was talking about. Just some random statements. But at least I got to knock it down. Some of my friends are still at pg 4. If my teacher grades this horribly I swear I will get angry fosho because I worked uber-hard on that and I should deserve something, y'know. I worked alllll afternoon on that and didn't get one bit of studying done for the two tests tomorrow. Both are in the morning. Back to back. I must study now, thus I am attempting to pull..
It may seem like a bad idea, but I HAVE to study because I hate failing. It ruins your day. Moreover, it ruins YOU. So I hate failing, and I need to study. So I might post something in the AM if I have the chance. But right now, I legitimately need to study. Peace.
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