
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Friday, May 25, 2012

Weird dream about London 2012

Earlier today I had the weirdest dream.

I guess I was a volunteer at the London Olympic Games. I was at the stadium, spectating the competitors from different countries during the opening ceremony. So it was the future. 

Then some person reminded me that I could go home for the day. 

"Alright," I think I said. So I tried to call my mom but realized that I only had an iPad. The iPad wasn't just an ordinary iPad. It was a shapeshifting iPad that disallowed me from even accesses it. It was brown. A brown iPad. For some reason, this whole shapeshifting iPad panicked me, as time flew by. I didn't go home. And then I woke up. 

Wasn't I in London? How in the world was I to go home from there? I thought when I was having a sip of orange juice. And why have a dream about the games? Odd.

Now where is Freud?

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