
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back to School? Think again.

Oh! It's that time again."BACK TO SCHOOL!" when it's really not! I mean, we still got what? 2 more weeks?!! Next thing I know I start to see those ads everywhere. From Office Depot to Old Navy. C'mon guys, we still have ample time before school. Yea, sure kids need to prepare early, but those dramatic and rather flamboyant "BACK TO SCHOOL!" ads shouldn't be posted so darn early. Those sneaky ads started to appear around mid August, which is fine, but kinda distracted my pleasing vacation. Ain't summer the time when we all just want to totally forget about school and enjoy our vacations?? If we start to see those ads way too early, sure we'll start to get that "Oh! School! Right! I forgot that even existed" but do we all want that?! To think about school during the midst of our summer?!?!? NAH! Just sayin'

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