
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

As thanksgiving break winds its way, the overall ambiance of the university is slowly beginning to simmer down. It seems that many seats in my classes are not entirely occupied, as students begin to head home to see their family, and enjoy some food.

My English professor the other day basically dedicated a portion of the class giving a lecture about ratemyprofessors and demanded us to give him a higher chili pepper rating. Now that's hilarious.

Today one of my friends went off to Korea to apply for the military, as it is a requirement there for men to join the military at some point in their early twenties. If he is chosen he will most likely serve next summer. 

"I'm nervous," he said, adjusting the brim of his hat. 

His friend, who already served in the military, aided him and helped him practice for his interview in the library. As midnight was nigh, we shook hands and I told him best of luck and travel safe. 

Snow starts to wind its way down. Winter is coming.

I finally am headed home tomorrow. 

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