
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cold Day

Why is today so cold? Yes, it's fall, but the temperature just immediately dropped down. It's like 54F today. During XC practice, I was freakin' shivering (also because it was lightly raining). Tomorrow is a meet, even though there's a slight chance of rain. Boy am I going to enjoy that. Tomorrow's another day. See y'all later.

なんでかわからんが、今日はめっちゃ寒い。秋だけどなんか急に天気がさがったみたい。今日のクラブ活動のクロスカントリーの練習にはすこく寒かった (ま、雨も降ってたしな)。明日マラソンあります。雨が降るパーセントがあるのに。

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