Last night I had the strangest dream.
I was getting surgery, and the doctors pulled things out from my body. It was gross. It was some spherical object. I can't remember exactly but it was just one of the most gruesome dreams I've ever had. I woke up in the middle of the night and it was 4:44 AM. 4:44!!!
The way I pictured this graphic dream reminded me of Murakami's writing. Such a disgusting dream that I will never again try to think about.
1Q84 World. 5/2015
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Coney Island trip from Friday 金曜日のコニーアイランド
Here is a picture of us in Coney Island from Friday. It sure was a scorching hot day.

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
80 degrees at Coney Island

Today the entire grade went to Coney Island to just play around and celebrate the near-ending school year. It was scorching hot! 80 Degrees at the beach. I got pretty tan, I'm sure. I played catch with my friends for a while out there. A person came up to me and complimented my infield skills. He said he was a professional player. I'm not too sure about that.
Now I'm home and have a slight headache because it's hot outside and even hotter inside, without any air conditioning. Bleh
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Butterfly Feeling
I am starting to get butterflies in my stomach, the specific reason, unknown. This fluttery, tickling feeling... I can't work. I can't concentrate. All the time I'm either moving around or freaking out. It's that feeling I get. I don't know. And I have a bio quiz tomorrow that I haven't study for yet and it's already almost midnight.
Judgement Day to Be Reconsidered?
After the tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri yesterday, and in Kansas and Oklahoma today, along with the eruption of the Icelandic volcano, there might be something going on in the world. Was this the beginning of the end of the world? Is Camping right about his prediction on October 21st?
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Japan Day
Today was Japan Day at Central Park. The event was much smaller than last year, not even having any food. But overall, it was pretty okay. Pics and videos later. I'm lazy lol
Saturday, May 21, 2011
It's after 6
Dear Harold Camping, you've made some people burn through all of their life savings, commit suicide, and also killed the environment by producing over 5000 fliers. You've convinced soo many people about something that is sooo incredibly unlikely. Your false prophets aren't going nowhere, so please just relax with your crazy ideas. Your prediction about the end of the world in 1994 was enough.
Judgement Day?
Supposedly, today is Judgement Day, a day when God decrees the lives of all mankind, depending on their good or evil behavior. To me, this doesn't seem to be true. It's kind of scaring me a bit since it's been going on in the news and people are handing out flyers to the pedestrians. hunh.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Tomorrow I'm heading upstate with the English class for a day and a half. The good thing is that we get to build a raft and experience civilization, much like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, and test it to see if it can sail across the river. The bad thing is that I'm going to miss two days worth of work at school, since other students aren't going on this trip. I'm going to have to take my work with me. Also, it's going to be pretty cold out there; rain all week.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
An obscene and uneventful Yankees game

I went to an uneventful Yankees game tonight. They utterly lost to the Boston Red Sox, 6-0. Since Beckett pitched so slow, the game ended rather late; about 11:30. Also, I never heard so much profanity in a Yankees game before. A group of attractive latino girls three wearing Jeter jerseys were sitting a row in front of me and were cursing some stuff like, "Boston fu***** suck" In fact one of them almost got ejected. A Boston Red Sox fan hollered at them, "Jeter swallows!". LOLOLOLOLOL. There was a girl in crutches wearing a Teixeira jersey. The Red Sox fan hollered, "Is it Teixeira, or Crutchera?"
Some Red Sox fans are so weird. The center screen temporarily malfunctioned and had a Boston Red Sox logo in the front. The guy then said, "Center Field Scoreboard" in the rhythm of "Let's Go Yankees!"
On the way back, since it was so late, I got a chance to see a cargo train. Attached to the cargo train was an old, red passenger car.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Murakami's Norwegian Wood
Yep, I've recently just finished Norwegian Wood. This book was great. The overall tone and the mellow mood Murakami makes throughout the whole story is just wonderful. This story is also very erotic and sexual; but regardless, a very nice approach.
Some Murakami fans have said that this type of mainstream story isn't the typical Murakami, who often writes more surrealistic. Murakami said that it was a challenge for him, but he wanted to prove to his fans that he COULD write stories that are not surreal/mysterious. Hence, Norwegian Wood. This book, he says, was sort of an autobiography of his earlier days in college. He mentioned that it wasn't as exciting as Toru's, but slightly similar to his own. So I pretty much think that this book is a true war story; a fictionalized version of his own college life.
I've watched a little snippet of the movie but it wasn't portrayed the best way. It was also missing some of the key details in the book. I thought the cast was a little off except Midori who was played by Kiko Mizuhara. She was the kind of girl I imagined in the book, except maybe a little slimmer. lol
Overall, Norwegian Wood is a very nice book and I would recommend it for any romanticist or anyone who craves romance.
Some Murakami fans have said that this type of mainstream story isn't the typical Murakami, who often writes more surrealistic. Murakami said that it was a challenge for him, but he wanted to prove to his fans that he COULD write stories that are not surreal/mysterious. Hence, Norwegian Wood. This book, he says, was sort of an autobiography of his earlier days in college. He mentioned that it wasn't as exciting as Toru's, but slightly similar to his own. So I pretty much think that this book is a true war story; a fictionalized version of his own college life.
I've watched a little snippet of the movie but it wasn't portrayed the best way. It was also missing some of the key details in the book. I thought the cast was a little off except Midori who was played by Kiko Mizuhara. She was the kind of girl I imagined in the book, except maybe a little slimmer. lol
Overall, Norwegian Wood is a very nice book and I would recommend it for any romanticist or anyone who craves romance.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Concealment of Japanese Book Covers
Why do people in Japan conceal book covers when they read? Perhaps this is why most of the book covers are so utilitarian-- not much but the title with a one color background. Book covers in the U.S are more sophisticated, colorful, graphic, and sometimes persuasive. It's because they don't conceal them! But why is it so ordinary that Japanese people conceal them? The covers don't seem to be embarrassing--unless you're reading an X-rated book--especially since most of them have nothing but the title and the author. Is it because they don't want other people to judge from what they're reading? Are they afraid that they are reading a bad book? Are they not confident enough to show the public what they're reading? Wouldn't other people be more curious in what they're reading and ask them more often?
I mean, think of it the other way. In Onsen (public bath), people bathe together without minding their privacy. Perhaps one could argue that it's because people are all the same and there is nothing new. But still, it's ironic that they don't mind being in a public bath nude and actually do mind about showing what they read.
Not only do Japanese people conceal books, also when they eat. Now I'm not saying ALL of them do, but some of them. This might be because they don't want other people to judge from what they eat; some might think it's disgusting. But still... y'know? It would make sense if they were eating something very esoteric such as natto in the middle of the street in New York, but not in Japan, since most know what it is.
I mean, think of it the other way. In Onsen (public bath), people bathe together without minding their privacy. Perhaps one could argue that it's because people are all the same and there is nothing new. But still, it's ironic that they don't mind being in a public bath nude and actually do mind about showing what they read.
Not only do Japanese people conceal books, also when they eat. Now I'm not saying ALL of them do, but some of them. This might be because they don't want other people to judge from what they eat; some might think it's disgusting. But still... y'know? It would make sense if they were eating something very esoteric such as natto in the middle of the street in New York, but not in Japan, since most know what it is.
A big, fat nap
Today, I finished a test. A test that took more than 4 hours and required students to write with number 2 pencils. Yes, that test.
After the test, my mind was dazed and I felt confused for a minute. What the hell was I doing in a high school classroom for more than 4 hours? I felt this when I finished and walked outside.
It was just plain exhausting. Waking up at 6 in the morning on a weekend was alone, a hard thing to do. So immediately after I arrived home, I took a big, FAT nap, just as my college counselor suggested. 2 hours later, I woke up and read Norwegian Wood.
After the test, my mind was dazed and I felt confused for a minute. What the hell was I doing in a high school classroom for more than 4 hours? I felt this when I finished and walked outside.
It was just plain exhausting. Waking up at 6 in the morning on a weekend was alone, a hard thing to do. So immediately after I arrived home, I took a big, FAT nap, just as my college counselor suggested. 2 hours later, I woke up and read Norwegian Wood.
Friday, May 6, 2011
The crescent moon was seen up high in the dark sky. Calm, I stretched out on my bed and read. It was nine. Nine twenty. I looked out my window and decided to gaze on the moon, slowly being covered by the gloomy, twilight clouds. I then lay back down on my bed and tried to read again. But I couldn't. Something was telling me that I shouldn't read. I then looked up in the sky again and saw that the crescent vanished completely. Not even a speck. Completely gone; blackout.
I lay back down on my bed and put my book aside. I turned off the light as I went to sleep.
I lay back down on my bed and put my book aside. I turned off the light as I went to sleep.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Carmelo Anthony visits our school
It appears that Carmelo Anthony, small forward for the New York Knicks, and his wife, Lala visited our school today. Unfortunately, I did not get to see him, but my friend got a chance to briefly talk to him. At first he was shaking and was in a state of ebullience. He told the couple that he was doing a project on sports. Then Carmelo said, "oh that's cool." My friend told me that it was the greatest moment of his life.
I am shocked that I did not get to see him.
I am shocked that I did not get to see him.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Osama Bin Laden confirmed dead
After 10 years, the president has confirmed that Osama Bin Laden, the chief of Al Qaeda, is dead.
However, we will never forget the many civilians who lost their lives in the disaster of 9/11.
But as our president, Obama, states, Justice has been achieved.
However, we will never forget the many civilians who lost their lives in the disaster of 9/11.
But as our president, Obama, states, Justice has been achieved.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
College Fair....
This evening I just went to a College fair, where most high schoolers find out more information about certain colleges in the U.S. It was more crowded than I had expected. For some I had to wait in line in order to talk to the admissions people. But overall it was an okay experience. It was kind of awkward trying to talk to some people since the booths were all surrounding me.
But it was okay... hahahah
But it was okay... hahahah
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