
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Sunday, May 15, 2011

An obscene and uneventful Yankees game

I went to an uneventful Yankees game tonight. They utterly lost to the Boston Red Sox, 6-0. Since Beckett pitched so slow, the game ended rather late; about 11:30. Also, I never heard so much profanity in a Yankees game before. A group of attractive latino girls three wearing Jeter jerseys were sitting a row in front of me and were cursing some stuff like, "Boston fu***** suck" In fact one of them almost got ejected. A Boston Red Sox fan hollered at them, "Jeter swallows!". LOLOLOLOLOL. There was a girl in crutches wearing a Teixeira jersey. The Red Sox fan hollered, "Is it Teixeira, or Crutchera?"

Some Red Sox fans are so weird. The center screen temporarily malfunctioned and had a Boston Red Sox logo in the front. The guy then said, "Center Field Scoreboard" in the rhythm of "Let's Go Yankees!"

On the way back, since it was so late, I got a chance to see a cargo train. Attached to the cargo train was an old, red passenger car.

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