
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Just got home. My peeps and I hung out again.
As usual, we played by the ear. Literally had no plans whatsoever, for the whole entire day. Our plan we made up the night before-- meetup at 2 pm. That was all.

Ate lunch at Chipotle. One of my freakin friends literally poured a load of Tabasco sauce on my burrito bowl out of now where. If it weren't for that crap, I would've finished it all. Yo damn him. But since I was still a bit hungry, I ate some of it, and chugged down lemonade once the flavor started to really kick in.

Then nighttime approached, ate five napkin.

After, sat down on the steps on a rather humid night and chilled. She and I now. Skateboarders were practicing their tricks while passersby aimlessly wandered around in various walking speeds. Shutters of certain stores were closed, cars swishing by our view. At a distance, the crescent moon silently sat on the clear, open, dark sky, as if lost and lonely. The faint glow of the lampposts reflected the shadow of our faces. Among us were others plopped on the steps, gazing at the ever fascinating late night scene.

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