It was a fine, Sunday. Because I slept beyond late, I actually overslept and woke up in the afternoon, precisely 1:30. In other words, I had no morning. My alarm clock was a text message from the girl whom I was going to meet up with today. I checked the time, and it was, undoubtedly, past noon. I got up, fixed myself some cereal and poured some oj and milk as I had a mild headache. While eating, I put on Norah Jones on the speaker system while my mind was sinking down into space. Couldn't really focus on anything for a while. Shortly, a message came on my phone again, as it read that the girl was already near our meetup spot that we kind of agreed on late yesterday. Not really being so attentive of the time, I resumed listening to Jones while munching on a banana. But as I casually looked at the screen again, I realized that where she was at was way closer than I had expected. She's going to get there way faster than I am, I thought. Thus I hurriedly went on to change. I picked out my outfit, put on right accessories, and headed out. We had no fixed time-- we met whenever, but I needed to make sure that we would roughly arrive at the same time.
As soon as I exited my apartment, though, she said that she was already at the location. Surprised, I dashed to the station to catch the train. Fuq.
Eventually was close to an hour late. Pissed her off a bit. Apologized. Owe her bigtime.
Such a slow person I am. Learned my freaking lesson.
We winged the day again. Walked around the city; unexpectedly kind of shopped. Ate some delicious Korean food. And so it went.
Pictures later
Pictures later
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