
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Monday, January 28, 2013

College Life 6

After class I aimlessly strolled along the snowy path. The snow at this point was mostly cleared away, finding icy spots here and there. As usual the weather was unpleasant yet as long as you had your warm goods you were fine. Careful not to slip, I walked at a steady pace with my air force ones, leaving each step with the sound of a crunch whenever I stepped on snow. 

Crunch! Crunch! 

No other sound would be heard. Occasional planes soaring and the monotonous heaters in the buildings. It was surprisingly quiet, almost too quiet for a college campus. I sat down on a bench and stared at the sky. It was a cloudy day with no hint of the sun. I dug my hands in my pockets and started to hum the opening of Spitz's Cherry. Being alone is such a lonely feeling, yet we still do it. Not like we have a choice. 

I felt a presence. Someone walked by me. No, more like sat next to me. It was my friend. The one who I usually didn't see often yet still chatted from time to time whenever we bumped into each other. He took one glance at me and tried to follow where I was looking. Seeming to fail, he squinted his eyes and sighed. 

"Not a great day," he said. 
I stared at the gymnasium at a distance. "Yup. No sign of the sun."
He brought out a cigarette from his pocket, pursed it between his lips, and lit one up. He gave me the gesture whether or not I wanted one but I declined. The smoke billowed in the air like a spirit. 
"Why are you out here in the cold," he asked. 
"To be honest, I really don't know."
"You don't know why you are freezing your ass off," he laughed. "Gotta have a reason."
I looked at him and back at the sky. "Nope," I said. "But if I had to say something it's probably because I can get some fresh air."
"Fresh air.." He nodded without seeming to need any more explanation. An oh-okay-interesting kind of face. He puffed a few more times, exhaled, and threw the cigarette on the snowy asphalt. The smoke died instantly. Around us the leaves from the trees were all gone as all was left were thin, intricate lines of branches sticking up in the air. Naked trees. 
"You might not give a damn, but I'm performing," he said. 
"Here. In the theater. Next week. Let me know if you're interested. Gotta full band behind my back."
I nodded. "Sounds rad."
"You seeing anybody lately?"
"Nope," I responded. "Not as of now."
He slapped my shoulder. "Gotta step up your game. They aren't aliens you know. They're just like you and I except they have more feelings."
I laughed. "I like to take my time."
"Whatever you say. Update me whenever."
And just like that he left. 

I went back to the girls suite as they kindly fixed me some Japanese green tea. feels like home LOL 

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