
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Monday, December 21, 2015

The End of the Fall

Shortly nighttime fell. Sipping on beer, I studied for a few hours and got some light casual reading done. I wrote. I didn't know how I felt. I was confused about my emotions. I wasn't mad but I wasn't happy either. Something I wanted to reveal I revealed, and now there's no secret to keep. I had nothing else to hide because I spilled them out. What was there left of me? Just the simple truth. A memory that could never be erased. Yet I didn't want to change anything.

What an odd circumstance. 

It was the last day for most people in my hall. Most of the exchange students left for home. Empty suites all throughout the floor. It didn't hit me until now that they were gone next semester. But like I told my friend, people come and people go. That's life.

"Wow. Journalist, Sean," she said.

I finally arrived home in the evening. I was the last to leave the suite, and felt like the last one to leave campus. It was a ghost town. The night before, I spent the day eating lunch and chilling with friends until the wee hours of the morning. Come four in the morning and one of my friends was to leave for Chicago. I wanted to say something to her before she left, but she was on the phone. Once everyone left, I went back to the suite and heaved a huge sigh, when someone knocked on my door.

"Someone fucked up the wall on the third floor," one of my friends said.

"How's that again?"

"Come with me," she said. "I don't understand how people have time to do this.."

Whereupon we went upstairs and there it was. A punctured wall. At least it was drywall and not filled with asbestos. An empty beer bottle was on the floor near the broken wall. We searched throughout the hall and patrolled the area for suspects. But no luck.

When I came home, after a four hour car ride back, I hugged my mom and sighed. I was back. She and I were both in smiles. While dragging my luggage to my room, I took a look around the place and thought to myself. Just one more semester and I was done with... college. I didn't want it to end for some reason. I wanted to have more fun, but time didn't seem to slow down. The semester came to a close, classes finished, people went back home. That's all. And it kept going, for generations. That's life.

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