
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Sunday, August 18, 2013

the little stroll

Picture this:

A pigeon abruptly hits the glass of a storefront with a thud right before your eyes and flies away as if nothing ever happened.

Yep, that's what happened on my little dorm shopping stroll. Scared the crap out of me.

What else?

I noticed three people from my high school at different times, neither of which I knew enough to strike up a conversation. Didn't know what to say and even if I did, it would seem really awkward and unexpected. Two were guys possibly four or five years my senior, and the other, an attractive girl a year my junior. Even if I said hello to them I doubt they'd remember who I was.

Someday I'd figured that the girl would take up modeling. She was attractive. Slender and fit. But as she passed me, what's on her mind seemed like nothing but her upcoming freshman year in college. Rushed pace, emotionless, deliberately heading somewhere as if there was no time to lose. Who'd halt a girl like that?

Come to think of it, we only small talked a couple of times in school, the most we got was probably at a party sometime in the winter, senior year. The place was dark. Very few lights, booming music. She was laying on the couch with a couple of other girls, and I was pretty sure they yelled out my name, seductively:


But I never really looked their way. I was talking to a few friends and didn't even know if they were calling my name. But it seemed like it. Could've glanced at their direction when they yelled, but I didn't.   I pretty much just ignored. How foolish of me.

They could've been drunk. Who knows.

No matter how much I detest packing, I began to slowly gather my stuff today.. Room is scattered with dorm supplies and clothes. It's as if a vacation is suddenly closing. Can't complain, though. I had three months. Months of sunshine and nice weather. Relaxation and lazy nights and days, snoozing afternoons, and carefree moods.

And now, for us college students, we are suddenly thrown back to reality in a matter of days. Some in a matter of weeks. Damn those.

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