
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Friday, April 11, 2014

Hectic amount of tests, J. Cole, TKD

Seems like the week should be over already. I haven't seen my roommate for the entire week so far. When I'm in the room he's on campus, and when I'm not he's there in the room.

"I forgot your face," he says in a text.

Getting up early is something I thought I needed to pursue again. There is something about breathing in the fresh, morning air listening to the birds harmoniously hum. I open the blinds and the bright sunlight splatters through the window. It is the peak time of day, where the sun and the birds are ready for another great day. It's soothing to the senses.

Congrats to my taekwondo teammate who placed first in the National Taekwondo Collegiate Championships last weekend. He made it in the National Collegiate team and will be traveling with them to China to represent U.S.A.

While he earned a huge accomplishment, I was at a J. Cole concert.

Lining up for that was as hectic as can be. As soon as the doors opened for entry, students pushed and shoved each other, spurring a commotion. And when B and I were standing in front of the stage, it was as if I was involved in a mosh pit. Students continued to push and shove each other. I got my foot stepped on several times and I was squeezed so tightly that I almost couldn't breathe. B and I eventually were able to escape from the craziness. The place was hot, our throats dried up, and I got a headache from the constant EDM music. Frustrated that he did not perform "Power Trip", the only song we knew that was sung by him, we left early. According to friends, he performed the song dead last.

This week I had four quizzes, two exams. Supplementing those are tedious Japanese assignments. And I breathed a huge sigh of relief after I finished my last quiz on a Friday afternoon.

Glad that I got enrolled in the classes of my choice. Recently I've been gaining interest in the field of criminology. Considering that as a minor.

The school's taekwondo club is pretty solid, as the demonstration team is set to perform this Saturday. Both B and I are part of the team as we both have several roles.

Excited to attend C-Night and see B sing. C-night is where students sing and perform while maintaining China's culture... I think.

Members of the tkd club after a successful make-up test. Credit to S.J.

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