
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The taekwondo semi formal was held last night as everyone dressed fresh. We mingled, played a couple rounds of billiards, and had a blast. I came home with the best kiyap award. I take this as a personal accomplishment.

During my childhood taekwondo days I had a fairly weak kiyap that nobody could really hear. When I was still around a blue belt I did have some role models at my school. I mimicked their kiyaps, twisted it on my own, and fashioned a kiyap like no other. It's similar to an extended, Bruce Lee-like yell that starts sharp and fades out, silently. It all came naturally.

During the ECTC all star-trip one of my teammates even made a comment about it. "Once I hear the kiyap I'm scared."

A kiyap-- or, a yell-- is a personal expression. Don't be concerned about how foolish it sounds. What matters is that you let out your energy.

Now some blacked out at the semi formal after party. One of my friends even made out with a girl. People did not expect this pairing and thus were fairly surprised. Another girl who happened to like the guy plopped herself down adjacent from them and started crying.

So much drama yet so much fun.

EDM and rap songs were flowing throughout the party. We all danced and had a damn good evening no doubt.

As soon as we got back, B and I knocked out on the bed as the positive party vibes still resonated in our heads.


There's something about this dorm that I am loathing more and more. Since last year I've lived in very poorly constructed dorms. Last year at my previous college the showers clogged, the toilet did not flush, one of the handles for the sink broke, the lights went out to leave a hall of darkness, there was a broken light switch with intricate wires dangling and last but not least, most of the laundry dryers failed to operate.

Fast forward to today, where I am at a new university. Conditions are slightly better but not all of the laundry dryers, once again, work and I am infuriated. Is this what I get for the tuition fee? Each time I do the laundry it gets on my nerves. Ugh.

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