
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Post-ignorance phase

Took the first test of the semester and praying that I did good on it. The weather is drastically getting breezier. And when the weather drastically decreases, the influx of students getting sick increases. While taking the test, I was sandwiched between two coughing and sneezing classmates. There was no way I could avoid them.

But I enjoy this fall weather. My mood suddenly starts to steer away from the summer days, and I look forward to those colder ones. It's a transition period, like ice turning into water, water turning into ice. Leaves turning bright orange, the autumn colors standing out at its peak.

For the time being, I spend my days being both active and studious as often as I can. I jog around the track field a couple times to break a sweat while listening to tunes, workout with my friends, and attend taekwondo from time to time. On the weekends I copy-edit articles for the newspaper. There's nothing worth noting whatsoever. Yeah, I'm bland like that.

I went out with a girl a year my senior for two weeks, but then all of a sudden she stopped responding to my messages. I was left hanging with a question never answered. The bond was pretty much one-sided, so I gave up in the meantime. She was hard to read. Nothing I could really do about that. For now, the ball's in her court. To note, she does play basketball. If she doesn't respond, it's her loss. She was cute. She was someone I wanted to get to know better but I guess she didn't feel the same with me.

I needed a cigarette, but of course I didn't smoke. I just hate rejection and being ignored. But it's inevitable sometimes. I've dealt with it, in all forms, from asking people whether they registered to vote to asking girls out through text. When she doesn't exude any signs of interest, it's a waste of my effort to ask her out again. But then there's those who play hard to get, but I don't deal with those. When we click, we click. Why try to be uninterested when you actually like them?


Now where were we... ah, about her.

Nah, let's change the subject.

What I really want to do is go to a drive-in movie theater or go to some live jazz bar. With a girl. Heck, i'd even go alone, though it would be a tad sad. Look at that, I rhymed. This town doesn't really have any of that, unfortunately, but if there is one, you better hold my beer while I go.

I got a fresh cut the other day. The barber was wearing high-heels and talking with her two girlfriends. She was dressed as if she was about to head to a nightclub of some sort. At first I thought I made the wrong choice, but I gave in and the end result wasn't so bad after all. Now, a little sidetracking here: I don't know exactly but I heard when Korean women cut their hair short it's because they want to be in a new, refreshed mood. Something happened, whether it be breaking up or getting rejected, anything, and they want to cut their hair to forget about it. I don't think it just applies to Korean women, though.

What's the time?


A few people were pledging out on the campus. They were running around in a straight line. I never understood that. I don't like people telling me what to do, unless of course they have far more experience and knowledge than me.


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