
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Monday, May 10, 2010

A note about Music

Music is an accessory that the human body cannot live without. From smooth jazz to hip-hop, music allows our bodies to sooth down and get into the zone of comfort. It enlivens our daily routines to make our lives more positive. For instance, like they all say, listening to Mozart makes people more smarter; rather it improves our concentration.

Music is like food. Our body needs it to be satisfied. Without music, our lives will just become more and more boring and will soon wilt away from enjoyment. Music motivates us and seeps into our brain and let's our imaginations crystallize the senses, which provides freedom; like a bird soaring through the air.

Today, I spend my night with pleasing music so that my mind washes away every unnecessary spice that happened today and start off to a better tomorrow (or today technically) with a clear, refreshed mind. Not that anything bad happened today. It's just a day of peaceful meditation. Music is life. Good night.

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