
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I heard that the new iphone 4g is going to be released tomorrow. That phone's pretty sweet. A whole lotta additional features compared to the 3g(s). The new crystal clear retina display, the shape of the phone, FACE TIME especially, and soo much more that I cannot even explain all at once. I'm glad that I didn't purchase the previous iphone 3g. hmmm.

明日はなんと。。。新しいiphone 4gがアメリカに発売だってね。完全に変わったみたいです。画面、ディスプレイ、フェースタイムって言うソフトが入ってるし。。。とにかくすごいみたい。Iphone 3g買わないでよかった ^v^ ふふ

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