In the CIT program today, our supervisor told us that we (four of us) are going to organize a scavenger hunt throughout the entire Central Park...
Sounds fun, right? But we have to organize the entire thing, which includes making up activities, essential questions, lesson plans, clues, where we are going to place them throughout the entire park, etc... All for the entire YMCA which is a lot of people. And us four have to create this thing BY TOMORROW. How are only four people going to do all this in less than a day?????
Our supervisor supposedly told us like three weeks ago that we were going to have a scavenger hunt, but she didn't specify WHEN and she just briefly told us about it. I realize that we as CIT's have to remember and be responsible, but at least she could've reminded us about it throughout the week! I mean she just told us about it TODAY and told us that we have to be perfectly ready by tomorrow. First of all, we don't even have anything done. I think it's the right time to say, "we're screwed".
We've come up with mediocre ideas and possibilities, but our supervisor told us "no, no, no", yada yada. She ain't really suppose to help us. No counselors help us.
After camp, the three of us decided to aimlessly walk around the park to search for acceptable places that can be part of the scavenger hunt. We almost walked for nothing. We walked uptown, the downtown. Then we realized that the young campers will not be able to walk this far especially with this intense heat wave flowing around the city. So we eventually gave up, since we had no ideas at the moment and we were tired as crap.Plus, it was already 7 PM the time we decided to end this. So basically we have nothing done in our scavenger hunt.
Boy, tomorrow's going to be intense and harsh.