
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Thursday, July 22, 2010

CIT Chaos day 3 (and the last)

Frustrating. Our supervisor does EVERYTHING at the last minute. We had the clues, but she had to put them in the right order, find out where we have to stand, yada yada. She does all of that in the last freakin' minute which is why we didn't start until 3 PM when it was suppose to start at 10:30 AM. Now she messed up everything and I, because I'm the CIT leader, had to walk across the entire park to pick the other CIT's up and walk them back to the starting location. This was such a pain.

Furthermore, out of the five groups that were suppose to consult us for the scavenger hunt, only one of them came because the others were too lost that they dropped out of the game. Nobody told me that when the game started!!! This whole thing was just completely unorganized and it was just a complete disaster.

Our supervisor, before the game, was too out of her mind that she said "I give up"...
however, she eventually came up with a solution (kinda)... no, not really. No, not AT ALL. Even the counselors were frustrated. Our facilitation has failed; and it wasn't our faults. Cuz we already had our locations and clues finished. It was just the process and organization that failed. And that was the supervisor's job.

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