
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Monday, October 31, 2011

college applications


Oh, was today Halloween? I forgot with all my stressful college applications. Sometimes I always wonder why the procedures in getting into colleges is so disorganized and stressful. True, if one can handle the procedures as smoothly as possible, it won't be as disorganized or stressful. But in general, it seems like there's a lot of work to go through. In a nutshell, the procedures sound simple: send in undergraduate application to colleges along with the additional supplements, payments and forms, and boom! Applied. Yeah, it's easy to say, but actually doing all that takes so much time and effort... and luck. It just frustrates me. Getting into college is not as easy as it may seem. But once everything is turned in successfully, and on time, it should go smoothly. I still have so much work to do before I send in all my stuff to colleges. Bleh.

I feel that time is running faster and faster. Deadlines are approaching. Every minute I spend has to be productive, I feel. Wasting time is the worst thing to do. Like Buzz Lightyear always said, "there's no time to lose!" He's right. There really isn't. And if I do, then luck'll bring me down. It seems.

asldkj;asdklfjiwe...  <--- letting out anger.

Don't worry. I'll think on the bright side.

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