
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

greetings from college

Finished the first week of school, and already starting the second. So far the workload has been pretty okay, but I absolutely know that it will accumulate like mad. Overall, though, it's been pretty okay here. Now about that incident...

It was the first night of college. I had a pretty long day so I took a shower. It was pretty late actually, around 2. The dorms, in general, are poorly constructed. So I got in the shower, turned the handle towards warm, and washed all the dirtiness away from my body. Because the water was still cold as fu**, I continued to turn the handle towards warm. But all of a sudden, the shower handle got stuck, and the water started to get hotter and hotter by the second. So hot that I had to literally step out of the shower, and just stare at the boiling hot water rush out the shower head. I was in total shock, unable to figure out just what to do. I blankly stared at the shower. I tried to turn the handle off, but it just wouldn't move at all. What da fuqqqq. Are you kidding me. Seconds later, the fire alarm/smoke detector went on, and everybody in my suite had to evacuate to the hallway. Surprised, I quickly wrapped a towel around my waist, put on a t-shirt, and went to the hallway. All this time I was soaking wet, my hair dripping with water. I told all of them that the alarm went on because of the shower. They were all like what da hell...

Shortly the university police came and took down my info. "You aren't in any trouble," he said with a smile. "Welcome to college".

Ugh, so thus was my first late night college experience... I feel like I would never forget it, unfortunately.

So the days went by.. Been eating too much junk and not been working out. Need to work out legit..

Updates lataaa

You can see with the stuff I eat everyday that I'm prob gonna suffer from freshman fifteen...
Now this muffin is so addicting. Sometimes I get chocolate chip, double chocolate, red velvet, corn, or just french toast. There hasn't been a morning where I haven't had one #varietyfail
My dorm room like, the first day. hate dem brick walls.
... i was bored. different fashion errrday. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

swag, what classes you taking