
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Friday, March 15, 2013

rant about this college

It really irks me how literally none of the dryers work in this freaking college. I mean can you really expect that? Is that really possible? How am I supposed to dry my clothes? By hanging it up outside?As if this college was luxurious enough to have terraces. It has not been fixed since the beginning of the school year in the fall. They had all winter break. And the dryers STILL are not fixed. Really now? This college needs some major fixing all around.

And how literally ALL of the doors squeak, and how literally ALL of the tables wobble. I can go further and say how the tv jack for the coaxial cable also does not work, so it seems. I plugged in the cable and it all I get from the tv is white noise.

The bathroom lights all went out, the bathroom door doesn't lock, the showers are covered in mold, the sink does not run hot water until for about five minutes, and there is a stinkbug on my window. These are not first world problems. Regarding the fee for this college, you can expect a little more.

It is a total nuisance.

But whatever.

I'm trying to do whatever I can to go about my normal days but when these inconveniences happen it just annoys the hell out of me.

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