
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

On a normal chilly night here on campus, I play some casual table tennis with my friend after nibbling on a sandwich. Then I head to the library to get some work done.

I feel like I've been slacking these days. And it is nobody's fault. Been struggling with Japanese and did subpar on a quiz for another class. I guess I'm just not in that study mode yet. During the day I feel an aura of a dull vibe seeping in and around me. The sight of students walking around while taking in the campus drone is somehow unappealing. Opening classroom doors, climbing up the stairs, walking from one class to the next, opening up a textbook, grabbing a seat for an upcoming class thinking about how long you have to be there, among other daily, inevitable, dull rituals. Imagine if there was something happening. Something hair raising. Because if you think about it, without something happening, nothing would happen. Journalists need news events and incidents in order to report stories, surgeons need the ill to heal them, firefighters need fire in order to wash it away and save lives. Without happenings, we all would just be figures of nothingness. In our case, though, our happenings is studying, which can be dull and boring. But what can we do about it. We are at a phase in our lives where that is pretty much essential. Students need assignments and work in order to learn about certain subject material and become better acquainted with it for the near future. Without it, we would be pretty much partying, drinking----that is, being figures of nothingness.

Lectures are monotonous and most of them strictly require participation. I'm the type of person who does not prefer to, but at this point what can you do.


I've neither studied nor been exposed to this formal keigo style Japanese that much in the past thus it's been pretty new to me.

Some updates I guess worth noting is the fact that I've been more active in the taekwondo club on campus. I taught a mediocre class with my other club mate, and made it into the demo team with my girlfriend-- something I am very proud of her for.

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