
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Sunday, December 14, 2014

I leave around noon when my roommate is fast asleep and come back in the evening as he's still in the same position, asleep. I guess that's the only thing to do when it's finals week. 

Now leaving that aside, I often question whether I'm a good friend or my friends are inconsiderate. I cannot stand it when someone brings up an idea, offer, or suggestion and they eventually let it pass the next day. I hate it when they get my hopes up and ultimately shoot it right back down. This happens all the time with some of my friends, and I don't know if I'm just expecting too much from them, but it's common sense to me to keep your words true. Otherwise you're just a liar, the next boy who cries wolf. 

I've learned this in my upbringing from my mother. How saying it and doing it are two different things. You'll say you'll do it but will you actually do it? The words were originally brought up from some learning center commercial and she used the concept ever since it aired on television. And I feel that it's very, very true. 

If you can't do it then don't offer it in the first place. Don't pitch me a plan that you won't execute. And don't explode with meaningless excuses. I don't care if you're sick, if you got into a fight with your girlfriend or boyfriend, or if you have work. In general, if you specifically said in your own words that you were going to do it, then you have to do it. I feel that this form of trust is a crucial factor in friendship. I've already lost some trust in some of my friends and I feel as disappointed as ever. 

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