
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Don't You Know the People Who are Suffering in Africa?

I had the most weirdest dreams in a while. And it was true.

I was walking down the street and saw the school baseball team practicing on an open field. Most of the players were wearing blue warm ups. None of them noticed me so I continued to walk away.

Then, out of nowhere, I could not tell who it was, but something... or someone whispered in my ear, "Don't you know the people who are suffering in Africa?"

Immediately after that, I wondered what I would do. I can't control dreams so I was really wondering what I would say to this question. But then, I was interrupted by my mom at 5AM, telling me that the supermoon was still in the sky, shining. It was really bright. Like, really.

Then I went back to sleep, but I would lose my dream.

Don't you know the people who are suffering in Africa? What's haunting about that question is that there actually IS people who are suffering in Africa-- Libya.

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