
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tsunami in Japan: 2

Since the egregious 8.5-9 magnitude earthquake struck Japan, I've encountered some strange occurrences. Two days have past since the earthquake mainly struck the northeastern area of Honshu-- one of the islands of Japan-- in Sendai. From time to time, I'd start to witness or encounter myself, some Japanese decorations or toys that were adorned in my house to suddenly fall to the ground. A decoration suddenly fell down by itself; I accidentally, but unknowingly, pushed a gift from Japan that I received from my aunt on the ground. Although there are only two encounters, it still leaves some message to me.

There are so many coincidental things here. A friend pointed out how there was first the September 11th attack, the disaster in Haiti on January 11th, and now the disaster in Japan on March 11th. The 11th must be an unlucky date.

Somethings up to something here.

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