This time I was in the streets of Japan, namely Tokyo.
I was with a group of girls, and we took turns riding a bicycle down the road, destination, unknown. I had on shorts, a t-shirt, and a knapsack.
Weird dream again.
1Q84 World. 5/2015
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
This evening I attended the first meeting of swimming class. Turns out that I was the youngest, and the only boy in the class. The instructor made us do freestyle, focusing on the stroke, breathing technique, kicking, and gliding.
It was, well, okay.
It was, well, okay.
Cruise, Teeth: Another Peculiar Dream
I was in a big boat, presumably a cruise. Location, somewhere in the tropic. I think it was Hawaii. Halfway through the water, for whatever reason, the cruise made a U turn. It proceeded. In the cruise, I went inside my room and took a look at the outside. It was not like the view you would see in a cruise. The ocean wasn't out there. It was the view of a train of some sort or a monorail. I was passing by a little town. Some residents' laundry hitting the window. I was in a cruise, but in a way, I was also in a monorail.
Then I went off to the bathroom and decided to brush my teeth. Before doing so, I felt a pain in my bottom two teeth. When I pressed on it, it deformed into another shape. It was soft, like tiny marshmallows. Then I saw that the roots of my teeth were ripped.
Then, moments later, I finally woke up from my dream. My mom was on the phone scheduling an appointment. An appointment? What appointment, I thought. It was a dentist appointment.Did she see my dream? No... It was just a coincidence. It really was. Wow, I thought.
Then I went off to the bathroom and decided to brush my teeth. Before doing so, I felt a pain in my bottom two teeth. When I pressed on it, it deformed into another shape. It was soft, like tiny marshmallows. Then I saw that the roots of my teeth were ripped.
Then, moments later, I finally woke up from my dream. My mom was on the phone scheduling an appointment. An appointment? What appointment, I thought. It was a dentist appointment.Did she see my dream? No... It was just a coincidence. It really was. Wow, I thought.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Akimoto's immaterial AKB48 rival group, Nogizaka46

According to various comments on the Japanese pop websites, Akimoto Yasushi has gone too far, attempting to establish another AKB48 group, Nogizaka46. Now this group is supposedly the rival group of AKB48. WTF. Are you freaking kidding me. What is the point of this. I warn him that he has already introduced three other sister groups: SDN48, the supposedly "sexier" version of AKB48; SKE48, the Nagoya based idol group; and NMB48, the Osaka based idol group. And now he has the will to go even further to make another group that consists of another 46 group of girls? Sooner or later, people are going to get confused as to which group is which.
The members of Nogizaka46 will be chosen based on national auditions starting on July 20th, according to Tokyohive. The ones who have successfully passed the auditions will be the starting members of the group.
Akimoto is also considering to create a Taiwanese AKB48 called Taiwan48, other sources say. Is this guy nuts? Hire another producer or somebody make this guy calm down and not establish any more sister groups. AKB48 is enough. This isn't the right kind of business. Remember, less is more.
picture: originally from Oricon, got from Tokyohive.
Please, mom. Anything but the one thing that I don't really like and am already an expert at.
She put me in a four week swimming class starting tomorrow.
To tell the truth, I don't really like swimming-- no, I like swimming in general. I just don't like being taught swimming because I already know how to. In fact I already took strict classes when I was a little boy. I competed in the Big Swim, and I took home a medal with a sticker that read, "everybody's a winner"-- a false phrase that's purposely meant to only make kids feel good. But I knew that I accomplished something, and I knew that it was the last time I'd ever swim in a pool. I hated swimming. During classes, I constantly looked at the clock to see how much time there was left until it was over. It was a nightmare. And now that nightmare is about to come back. A Deja Vu all over again.
My friend and I was discussing, where in the world would you use a backstroke and butterfly besides tournaments? A majority of the population, I would assume, would use freestyle.
She put me in a four week swimming class starting tomorrow.
To tell the truth, I don't really like swimming-- no, I like swimming in general. I just don't like being taught swimming because I already know how to. In fact I already took strict classes when I was a little boy. I competed in the Big Swim, and I took home a medal with a sticker that read, "everybody's a winner"-- a false phrase that's purposely meant to only make kids feel good. But I knew that I accomplished something, and I knew that it was the last time I'd ever swim in a pool. I hated swimming. During classes, I constantly looked at the clock to see how much time there was left until it was over. It was a nightmare. And now that nightmare is about to come back. A Deja Vu all over again.
My friend and I was discussing, where in the world would you use a backstroke and butterfly besides tournaments? A majority of the population, I would assume, would use freestyle.
Chubby Girl, Pigeons, Sun, Train Station: My Peculiar Dreams
Lately I've been having peculiar dreams. One day was from two days ago and the other was from yesterday night. These two dreams, I thought, could go together.
I was at school, what time it was, I did not remember. The entire high school was gathered around the theater, what we were going to do, I did not remember. We were all just sitting. A chubby girl whom I have not talked to often was sitting next to me and suddenly, she told me, "yeah, that's why I love you." Why she told me this, I don't know. Could be because I am in the process of reading Murakami's Hard Boiled Wonderland and The End of The World, which mentions a chubby girl. Then, I was talking to my mom at a random gift shop, and my biology teacher started to talk to her,
"Is he always calm like this?" he said to her.
After that she did not reply, and I, for whatever reason, walked with him and he started to laugh.
I was in my room and I suddenly see pigeons staking up to make a tower. It was like a pigeon tower. It occurred right in front of my view. They all stood still. Amazed, I grabbed my Sony camera and tried to take a picture of it, but my mom was yelling at me that supper was ready. She distracted me. The birds flew away, erasing the impressive tower they all shaped together. Shocked, I hit the AC with my palms. Then out it the distance I saw a nice sunset or sunrise; I couldn't remember. I tried to focus my camera on it, but then I started to see two suns. Then three. Then four. I saw four suns in the distance.It was like Murakami's vision of seeing two moons in 1Q84. I saw multiple suns. Did I take a picture of it, I couldn't remember.
Then I was at a random train station. For some reason, I was known to be wanted by the police for harming a woman's animal, what kind of animal, I couldn't remember. All I remember was that it was big and grey. Suddenly, some guy with glasses, and a black blazer stared following me out of nowhere. He's going to kill me or arrest me! I thought. I stared to walk a little faster aimlessly around the station. He started following me suspiciously. He pretended that he was not following me by looking somewhere else but he was. He was following me. So I started to jog around the station and he started to jog too. He was probably a plain clothes police officer, I thought. I ran and he started to run. I ran, my heart pounding. I lost my breath and gasped. I went down on my knees and the guy grabbed my arms. Right by my side was the woman with her animal that I harmed. The guy looked at it and suddenly released my arms. He walked toward the animal and just gazed at it. He completely ignored me after that. The rest of the story, I could not remember.
I was at school, what time it was, I did not remember. The entire high school was gathered around the theater, what we were going to do, I did not remember. We were all just sitting. A chubby girl whom I have not talked to often was sitting next to me and suddenly, she told me, "yeah, that's why I love you." Why she told me this, I don't know. Could be because I am in the process of reading Murakami's Hard Boiled Wonderland and The End of The World, which mentions a chubby girl. Then, I was talking to my mom at a random gift shop, and my biology teacher started to talk to her,
"Is he always calm like this?" he said to her.
After that she did not reply, and I, for whatever reason, walked with him and he started to laugh.
I was in my room and I suddenly see pigeons staking up to make a tower. It was like a pigeon tower. It occurred right in front of my view. They all stood still. Amazed, I grabbed my Sony camera and tried to take a picture of it, but my mom was yelling at me that supper was ready. She distracted me. The birds flew away, erasing the impressive tower they all shaped together. Shocked, I hit the AC with my palms. Then out it the distance I saw a nice sunset or sunrise; I couldn't remember. I tried to focus my camera on it, but then I started to see two suns. Then three. Then four. I saw four suns in the distance.It was like Murakami's vision of seeing two moons in 1Q84. I saw multiple suns. Did I take a picture of it, I couldn't remember.
Then I was at a random train station. For some reason, I was known to be wanted by the police for harming a woman's animal, what kind of animal, I couldn't remember. All I remember was that it was big and grey. Suddenly, some guy with glasses, and a black blazer stared following me out of nowhere. He's going to kill me or arrest me! I thought. I stared to walk a little faster aimlessly around the station. He started following me suspiciously. He pretended that he was not following me by looking somewhere else but he was. He was following me. So I started to jog around the station and he started to jog too. He was probably a plain clothes police officer, I thought. I ran and he started to run. I ran, my heart pounding. I lost my breath and gasped. I went down on my knees and the guy grabbed my arms. Right by my side was the woman with her animal that I harmed. The guy looked at it and suddenly released my arms. He walked toward the animal and just gazed at it. He completely ignored me after that. The rest of the story, I could not remember.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Cars 2
Tonight I saw Cars 2. To tell you the truth, it was not great as the first one. In fact it may have somewhat altered my vision of the ole Cars movie by watching the second one, despite the fact that the movie contains a lot of espionage, international traveling, and technology/gadgets that does not seem to fit well with the characters and the story. The first Cars movie was not all that. It shows more of the classic Radiator Springs setting and seems to be more natural. The second one seems a bit forced, especially how Mcqueen and the crew traveled to Japan, Italy, and London. It just did not seem real.
There was a lot of dialogue which could possibly bore some kids.
Glad to hear a brief playing of Perfume's Polyrhythm in the background during the party in Tokyo.
There was a lot of dialogue which could possibly bore some kids.
Glad to hear a brief playing of Perfume's Polyrhythm in the background during the party in Tokyo.
Orwell's 1984

Just now, I have finished reading George Orwell's masterful novel, 1984. It is merely a prediction about what the world would become in a totalitarian state. And according to Orwell's prediction, each and every individual is thought to be nonexistent; that whatever Big Brother says is always right, and that nothing else can be changed. That when the Party says that 2+2=5, it is not 4 nor 3 nor any other number but 5. That Oceania was always at war with Eastasia. That Newspeak was the official language of Oceania and English-Oldspeak- the lingua franca. That people are to follow the rules of whatever the Party says and should anyone even think (thoughtcrime)about anything against the ideals of the Party, they are to be captured and punished by the Thought Police until they understand that the Party is always right. To ensure that everyone follows the rules, telescreens are integrated in a majority of places. That history is constantly being changed, and that anything else irrelevant to the Party is deemed trash-- erased in society. Something like that. This book was both extremely haunting and convincing; a real page turning book that gets frightening the more you read it.
After reading this book, it reminded me of certain television programs, such as the Downtown Gaki No Tsukai ya Arahende Batsu Game. Although I should not be comparing a rather indecent Osaka program with one of the greatest masterpieces in literature, I thought I should just mention something similar. Batsu Game, is a game where players are simply not allowed to laugh in any given situation. To persuade them to laugh, other people purposely perform and try to make them laugh. When one laughs, they are to be punished and slapped hard on the butt by a guy suited up in black, comparable to the Thought Police. This relates to Orwell's novel because it shows the similarity of being given the strict guidelines to NOT LAUGH and to follow the rules. In the novel, it is said that they are to also follow the rules in whatever Big Brother says. And if one fails to do so, they will be punished.
I don't want to spoil the story for those who haven't read it so I will only say a few: One part in the novel reminded me of a racquetball practice room.
But hey, go read it.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Rockies vs. Yankees
NY State Senate Passes Gay Marriage Bill
After long disputes, the New York State Senate passed a bill allowing gay marriage after a 33-29 vote. Same-sex couples are thus able to get married 30 days after Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York, signs it into law.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Mild Rant on Stuff
Does anyone else hate the feeling when your mom just gets more annoying than ever? The feeling that inevitably makes you say, "Just shut up, I get it already!!!"
Whenever I don't respond to what she says or asks, she ALWAYs freakin' yells at me for not saying anything. That I have to respond ALL the time. Even during moments where it isn't the most appropriate. For instance, imagine yourself relaxing in your home. Your here, in your home, and all you want is to have a little moment to yourself. Suddenly, your mom starts talking about things to you. Clearly, you are not willing to respond either because you are in that relaxation mode or just plain tired. How would you feel if your mom started yelling at you for not responding? Wouldn't that just spoil your relaxation? Exactly.
Presumably, she is doing this so she can improve my fundamental communication skills, but mom, find a way to this more efficiently.
I do not intend to hate. Just an idea that just needs to be expressed out of my head.
Whenever I don't respond to what she says or asks, she ALWAYs freakin' yells at me for not saying anything. That I have to respond ALL the time. Even during moments where it isn't the most appropriate. For instance, imagine yourself relaxing in your home. Your here, in your home, and all you want is to have a little moment to yourself. Suddenly, your mom starts talking about things to you. Clearly, you are not willing to respond either because you are in that relaxation mode or just plain tired. How would you feel if your mom started yelling at you for not responding? Wouldn't that just spoil your relaxation? Exactly.
Presumably, she is doing this so she can improve my fundamental communication skills, but mom, find a way to this more efficiently.
I do not intend to hate. Just an idea that just needs to be expressed out of my head.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Bieber Fever-- Like, Really

Justin Bieber, the sensational Canadian teen pop star, came to Macy's Herald Square to debut his new perfume, Someday. But as Bieber took a walk outside to greet all of his screaming girls who were unable to enter inside the unveiling, something sudden happened. A man has jumped over the metal barrier and tackled Bieber to the ground. According to news reports, the man turned out to be a plainclothes police officer who tried to save him from the uncontrollable girls. Bieber himself thought that he was not a police officer and really just a crazed fan. Bieber turned out to be okay.
When Bieber headed back to the department store, one of the security guards refused to move out of the way and was eventually given a violation for disorderly conduct.
Fans were so crazy that a couple of girls were aided with oxygen masks and sent to the ambulance.
Despite the chaotic commotion and the rumor that he turns girls lesbian, Justin Bieber's presence may, in fact, initiate an all-girl civil war.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Super 8
Just recently I went to the theater to see Super 8. Overall, in the same range as War of the Worlds, Transformers, etc. A lot of action and thrill, along with hints of comedic moments. This might have been an experience of Spielberg's childhood of playing with early video cameras, despite it being taken place in 1979.
前田敦子しつこいすぎる。マガジンのカバーに何回でるだよ。「AN AN」のはさいきんだし、「BARFOUT」のもさいきんだし、「SMART」もさいきん。そのせいで前田のイメージがだんだん違ってくる。まだ19歳なのにもうANANのカバーでランジェリーをしてる。一言です、行き過ぎ。これから何をするべきだ、前田。ダサいな。AKB48の女性にフォーカスしないでほかの歌う人たちをだせ!こうつずくと俺みたいにファンの方々ももう飽きちゃうわ。
前田敦子しつこいすぎる。マガジンのカバーに何回でるだよ。「AN AN」のはさいきんだし、「BARFOUT」のもさいきんだし、「SMART」もさいきん。そのせいで前田のイメージがだんだん違ってくる。まだ19歳なのにもうANANのカバーでランジェリーをしてる。一言です、行き過ぎ。これから何をするべきだ、前田。ダサいな。AKB48の女性にフォーカスしないでほかの歌う人たちをだせ!こうつずくと俺みたいにファンの方々ももう飽きちゃうわ。
Monday, June 20, 2011
The Blindness of AKB48 Members Going Solo
Ever since Maeda Atsuko released her new debut single, Flower, fans have been either very astonished or very unimpressed by her performance. Those astonished fans believe that every single aspect of her performance such as her vocals, eye contact, movement, flow, pitch range, emotion, was on key, and that her talent has not been unnoticed. Whereas the unimpressed fans see her as a potential, and not necessarily a singer who is apt to perform solo at this time. They believe that, unlike the astonished fans, her vocals needs to be more confident, which essentially means to cover more of the flow and the pitch range, making sure that her voice does not go too high, too low, or too monotonous, which tends to be the problem; she needs to make more eye contact with the audience rather than just stare at the ground or straight ahead; move with the rhythm of the song so she does not look like a nervous auditioning contestant.
With that said, I'd have to strongly agree with the unimpressed fans, in that she is heading in the right direction, but just needs to polish her act together more and fix every minute detail of her flaws, which is all of the aspects stated before. She does, admittedly, have a rather luscious face and a "soothing" voice according to the astonished fans, but there has to be something more those features. You can't just have good looks and have poor singing vocals, or else those features won't be as effective. Thus, Maeda may need to practice her vocals more with her instructor/trainer, or perhaps to give in going solo. The purpose of AKB48 is to sing together in a synchronized fashion to ultimately produce a massive and effective idol group, regardless of each and every individual's vocals because they are all singing together. Maeda may have chosen to go solo due to her interest in going in a different direction to not sing with a massive group, but to sing by herself and freely discover her true, personal voice. And the reason why she was able to go in this direction was because of her rising popularity in AKB48, otherwise known to take first place in the 3rd Senbatsu General Election.
So it is arguable that she is better off as the main member of AKB48 rather than a solo performer. Becoming a solo performer takes so much work and so much pressure that it sometimes can be hard for certain people to keep up with it. Although there are some American singers, such as Beyonce and Fergie who have went solo, they are able to bear with the work. Late teens going solo could happen, but it is best to think about it carefully before doing so. Is this singer really apt to perform solo? Although Itano Tomomi, member of Team K, has recently released Dear J, and has surprisingly sold more than 80,000 copies on the first day, fans are just buying it for the hell of it. It's the looks that attract them, since all the fans are mostly thinking of the idols as role models, wanting to be just like them. The fans aren't really focusing more on the idol's potential talent and voice. So even though she is not the best singer who is not ready to go solo yet, she is set to release her second single, Fuini, which, according to her, will be more romantic, unlike Dear J which was more catchy. The fans and the media are blind. Oh boy, I guess I'll be wondering how many copies Flower will sell.
With that said, I'd have to strongly agree with the unimpressed fans, in that she is heading in the right direction, but just needs to polish her act together more and fix every minute detail of her flaws, which is all of the aspects stated before. She does, admittedly, have a rather luscious face and a "soothing" voice according to the astonished fans, but there has to be something more those features. You can't just have good looks and have poor singing vocals, or else those features won't be as effective. Thus, Maeda may need to practice her vocals more with her instructor/trainer, or perhaps to give in going solo. The purpose of AKB48 is to sing together in a synchronized fashion to ultimately produce a massive and effective idol group, regardless of each and every individual's vocals because they are all singing together. Maeda may have chosen to go solo due to her interest in going in a different direction to not sing with a massive group, but to sing by herself and freely discover her true, personal voice. And the reason why she was able to go in this direction was because of her rising popularity in AKB48, otherwise known to take first place in the 3rd Senbatsu General Election.
So it is arguable that she is better off as the main member of AKB48 rather than a solo performer. Becoming a solo performer takes so much work and so much pressure that it sometimes can be hard for certain people to keep up with it. Although there are some American singers, such as Beyonce and Fergie who have went solo, they are able to bear with the work. Late teens going solo could happen, but it is best to think about it carefully before doing so. Is this singer really apt to perform solo? Although Itano Tomomi, member of Team K, has recently released Dear J, and has surprisingly sold more than 80,000 copies on the first day, fans are just buying it for the hell of it. It's the looks that attract them, since all the fans are mostly thinking of the idols as role models, wanting to be just like them. The fans aren't really focusing more on the idol's potential talent and voice. So even though she is not the best singer who is not ready to go solo yet, she is set to release her second single, Fuini, which, according to her, will be more romantic, unlike Dear J which was more catchy. The fans and the media are blind. Oh boy, I guess I'll be wondering how many copies Flower will sell.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Today was another day when I went to church to listen to the lovely choir sing aloud traditional Japanese songs to help relief efforts in Japan. This time it was not only one choir. There were about 5 choir groups who sung for the audience. My mom's friend is a member of one of them. Overall, it was a great event.

Afterwards, my mom's two friends and I went to a Japanese fusion restaurant, Momoya. This would be a nice place for a date, I thought. If only if I had a date, LOL. But I have potential.

Afterwards, my mom's two friends and I went to a Japanese fusion restaurant, Momoya. This would be a nice place for a date, I thought. If only if I had a date, LOL. But I have potential.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Bakuman バクマン

I have just recently started reading Bakuman, a manga about two high school students teaming up to become professional manga artists! It's interesting because the author of this manga actually consists of one artist and one writer, the same in Bakuman. Mashiro is the artist and Takagi is the writer. Perhaps this may be a true story.
Bakuman tells the reader the experience of what's it like to be in the manga-publishing world. But it also seems that it tells something else. Mashiro promises Azuki, his crush and a voice actress, that they will never see each other until they become professional. This reminds me of Gwendolyn Brook's poem, First Fight then Fiddle. Another way of saying do your obligations and priorities first. Then do what you want. Same for this young couple. First, for Mashiro, successfully become a professional manga artist, then meet Azuki. For Azuki, become a professional voice actress, then meet Mashiro. This manga is fun!

I have just recently started reading Bakuman, a manga about two high school students teaming up to become professional manga artists! It's interesting because the author of this manga actually consists of one artist and one writer, the same in Bakuman. Mashiro is the artist and Takagi is the writer. Perhaps this may be a true story.
Bakuman tells the reader the experience of what's it like to be in the manga-publishing world. But it also seems that it tells something else. Mashiro promises Azuki, his crush and a voice actress, that they will never see each other until they become professional. This reminds me of Gwendolyn Brook's poem, First Fight then Fiddle. Another way of saying do your obligations and priorities first. Then do what you want. Same for this young couple. First, for Mashiro, successfully become a professional manga artist, then meet Azuki. For Azuki, become a professional voice actress, then meet Mashiro. This manga is fun!
Manga Authors Should Know This
Every successful manga lies a great plot-- a plot that can always engage the reader no matter how long the story may be. The author cannot stray away from that engaging plot, nor should the author go off-topic with the story, just like an essay. As long as it has a solid point, it is generally accepted as a decent essay. For manga, the same rule applies, except the author has to constantly create an effective and engaging story that can keep the fans to read their work. This, I think, is the hardest job for a manga author. If they can't maintain that consistency, then it would be best to think of a conclusion for the story.
Even the popular mainstream battle mangas have some trouble with their story, such as Naruto and Bleach. Ever since I had started reading Naruto, I thought Kishimoto did a nice job with his plot--A neophyte ninja tries to become the next Hokage. But as the story progresses, it seems that Kishimoto has hit a dead end. Yes, the plot still stays put, but because he introduces entirely new characters in the book--the Hokage's from each village and their assistants--one might be curious as to how Kishimoto would conclude this rather grand story that was once only a story about a boy who wanted to become the next Hokage. It seems he is straying away from that plot, and instead introducing immaterial characters and make them fight against Akatsuki. So does Naruto become the next Hokage? That's all we readers want to know. But instead, he delays the conclusion and squeezes in minor fights that have almost nothing to do with the entire Naruto saga.
In Tite Kubo's Bleach, the reader sees that the 13 captains are unable to defeat Aizen and the Arrancar Army. No matter how much strength the Gotei 13 use, it is no match against Aizen. Nothing can stop him. Perhaps this might be a truth that can, in fact, mildly irk a few fans. Can't Aizen be destroyed after all the Gotei 13 has done? Can't he be destroyed after Kurosaki transformed into that deadly hollow and obtained godlike powers? If not, what happens, Kubo? How are you willing to conclude this manga? In fact, he just recently started off with part 2 of Bleach. Can't the story end already?
Admittedly, thinking of a conclusion to a grand story is a very hard thing to do, especially if it is popular. But the more the author does not delay the conclusion--introduce new characters, make it so it would be impossible to defeat the villain--the more ease he/she would have in thinking of a conclusion. Without these characters, the author wouldn't have to think about what each character would do in the end. The author would have less things to think about and possibly think of a more straightforward conclusion, like Deathnote.
Another example is The Prince of Tennis. It is already enough when Ryoma and Tezuka win the championships, while Tezuka goes to Germany. Why should the author make a Prince of Tennis 2, a.k.a, Shin Tennis no Oujisama. He just introduces so many new tennis players that the reader gets confused as to who is who.
Furthermore, Piano no Mori has been in Morning Magazine every other week, since the author is at a dead end, thinking of how he could progress the story in an acceptable fashion. At this point, it can be a good idea to best think about a conclusion. What will Kai Ichinose do? That is the question.
Although most authors would not want to end their work that they have been working on for so long, there comes a time where it needs to end. Nothing lasts forever, even in art. Akira Toriyama successfully ended Dragon Ball Z, and Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata successfully ended Deathnote and currently are working on Bakuman. Manga artists should carefully consider what should go on the book and if it would be purposeful or not.
Even the popular mainstream battle mangas have some trouble with their story, such as Naruto and Bleach. Ever since I had started reading Naruto, I thought Kishimoto did a nice job with his plot--A neophyte ninja tries to become the next Hokage. But as the story progresses, it seems that Kishimoto has hit a dead end. Yes, the plot still stays put, but because he introduces entirely new characters in the book--the Hokage's from each village and their assistants--one might be curious as to how Kishimoto would conclude this rather grand story that was once only a story about a boy who wanted to become the next Hokage. It seems he is straying away from that plot, and instead introducing immaterial characters and make them fight against Akatsuki. So does Naruto become the next Hokage? That's all we readers want to know. But instead, he delays the conclusion and squeezes in minor fights that have almost nothing to do with the entire Naruto saga.
In Tite Kubo's Bleach, the reader sees that the 13 captains are unable to defeat Aizen and the Arrancar Army. No matter how much strength the Gotei 13 use, it is no match against Aizen. Nothing can stop him. Perhaps this might be a truth that can, in fact, mildly irk a few fans. Can't Aizen be destroyed after all the Gotei 13 has done? Can't he be destroyed after Kurosaki transformed into that deadly hollow and obtained godlike powers? If not, what happens, Kubo? How are you willing to conclude this manga? In fact, he just recently started off with part 2 of Bleach. Can't the story end already?
Admittedly, thinking of a conclusion to a grand story is a very hard thing to do, especially if it is popular. But the more the author does not delay the conclusion--introduce new characters, make it so it would be impossible to defeat the villain--the more ease he/she would have in thinking of a conclusion. Without these characters, the author wouldn't have to think about what each character would do in the end. The author would have less things to think about and possibly think of a more straightforward conclusion, like Deathnote.
Another example is The Prince of Tennis. It is already enough when Ryoma and Tezuka win the championships, while Tezuka goes to Germany. Why should the author make a Prince of Tennis 2, a.k.a, Shin Tennis no Oujisama. He just introduces so many new tennis players that the reader gets confused as to who is who.
Furthermore, Piano no Mori has been in Morning Magazine every other week, since the author is at a dead end, thinking of how he could progress the story in an acceptable fashion. At this point, it can be a good idea to best think about a conclusion. What will Kai Ichinose do? That is the question.
Although most authors would not want to end their work that they have been working on for so long, there comes a time where it needs to end. Nothing lasts forever, even in art. Akira Toriyama successfully ended Dragon Ball Z, and Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata successfully ended Deathnote and currently are working on Bakuman. Manga artists should carefully consider what should go on the book and if it would be purposeful or not.
Tae Kwon Do fundraiser
Yesterday evening, West Side Taekwondo held a fundraising event to help send two instructors to the 2011 Poomsae World Championships in Vladivostok, Russia. To help gather the tips, the demo team has put on a show--ranging from aerial board breaks to jumping over chairs. Fans bid on the number of chairs the instructors can jump over.
Despite a few missed board breaks, the procedure went swell. I successfully pulled off a 540 kick, as well as jumping over 5 chairs.
Overall, the event was really fun :D
Despite a few missed board breaks, the procedure went swell. I successfully pulled off a 540 kick, as well as jumping over 5 chairs.
Overall, the event was really fun :D
Monday, June 13, 2011
After 9 months of hard work, I am proud to state that school is finally over. From rigorous readings in Foner to writing a 35-pg novella about the Japan earthquake, Junior year has been the toughest year to get through.
But once again, no absences throughout the entire school year since 7th grade. I feel proud. Sad that they don't give out perfect attendance awards.
Well, it's already summer vacation. What to do...
Oh, I have Tae Kwon Do demo rehearsal at 9:30 pm. How late.
But once again, no absences throughout the entire school year since 7th grade. I feel proud. Sad that they don't give out perfect attendance awards.
Well, it's already summer vacation. What to do...
Oh, I have Tae Kwon Do demo rehearsal at 9:30 pm. How late.

Sunday, June 12, 2011
Junior Workshop
A brand new subject in school called Junior Workshop is a class where students pick any topic their heart desires and either write about it, draw about it, make it, film about it, and the list goes on. It is basically a topic where you delve into your hobbies to the next level. As long as it meets the specific guidelines, you can go wherever you want with this project.
Some students have struggled with this class, despite the difficulties in narrowing down their broad topics to a topic that is much specific. For instance, a student had trouble with their topic simply because he first wanted to write about airplanes, but teachers criticized how vague it was. What kind of airplanes? What about airplanes? What makes you want to know about them? Which specific aspect of airplanes do you want to research? Teachers overflow you with these type of questions when topics are so vague. I even had trouble narrowing down my topic.
Speaking of which, my topic, at first, was to write a plain creative story. Yeah, just a regular creative story with no specific moral that didn't seem to meet the guidelines for the project. I spoke to the teacher, and proposed the next step. To write a response to one of Haruki Murakami's works with a creative story. But that didn't work. But finally, I came up with the idea of writing a fictional story based on the earthquake in Japan. That was perfect.
And in fact, I literally did an exceptional job. It turned out to be a 35 page novella. More and more teachers requested me to send my story to them. Sooner or later I'm thinking that it will be published LOL JKJK.
But the moral here, is that even though you feel like there is a subject in school that does not seem interesting to you, don't give up. Because no matter how boring it might seem, you never know what you would expect.
Some students have struggled with this class, despite the difficulties in narrowing down their broad topics to a topic that is much specific. For instance, a student had trouble with their topic simply because he first wanted to write about airplanes, but teachers criticized how vague it was. What kind of airplanes? What about airplanes? What makes you want to know about them? Which specific aspect of airplanes do you want to research? Teachers overflow you with these type of questions when topics are so vague. I even had trouble narrowing down my topic.
Speaking of which, my topic, at first, was to write a plain creative story. Yeah, just a regular creative story with no specific moral that didn't seem to meet the guidelines for the project. I spoke to the teacher, and proposed the next step. To write a response to one of Haruki Murakami's works with a creative story. But that didn't work. But finally, I came up with the idea of writing a fictional story based on the earthquake in Japan. That was perfect.
And in fact, I literally did an exceptional job. It turned out to be a 35 page novella. More and more teachers requested me to send my story to them. Sooner or later I'm thinking that it will be published LOL JKJK.
But the moral here, is that even though you feel like there is a subject in school that does not seem interesting to you, don't give up. Because no matter how boring it might seem, you never know what you would expect.
Voting Methods on the AKB48 Senbatsu Election
It's kind of unpleasant how the only options for voting for the AKB48 election are to either vote online or to purchase their new single, Everyday Kachuusha, which contains a voting ticket as well as a limited handshake event form. This essentially means that if one does not have internet access and would rather not purchase their new single, they cannot vote even though they are AKB48 fans. True, that person could vote via phone but would have to be a member of the fan site. So only the true AKB48 fans were allowed to vote. Wouldn't these strict procedures spoil the voting results? Why can't people vote without having to be members and subscribers of their websites? Why can't people vote without having to purchase their single, Everyday Kachuusha that most seem to find rather annoying?
Sure, allowing everyone to vote without having these prerequisites can in fact lead to inaccurate results since people who are not AKB48 fans may just joke around and vote for random members, but let the truth be told. The media just wants to sell more copies of their new single, and the websites want to get more fans so that AKB48 would be the most dominant group in the nation. But what specific outcome will that lead to? Some people are forcing themselves to buy the single or becoming members of groups just so they could vote. If more and more people do that, the fan members wouldn't be true AKB48 fans anymore, am I wrong? So why can't they vote regularly without having to become members?
Sure, allowing everyone to vote without having these prerequisites can in fact lead to inaccurate results since people who are not AKB48 fans may just joke around and vote for random members, but let the truth be told. The media just wants to sell more copies of their new single, and the websites want to get more fans so that AKB48 would be the most dominant group in the nation. But what specific outcome will that lead to? Some people are forcing themselves to buy the single or becoming members of groups just so they could vote. If more and more people do that, the fan members wouldn't be true AKB48 fans anymore, am I wrong? So why can't they vote regularly without having to become members?
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Analysis on the rivalry between Oshima Yuko and Maeda Atsuko
In the recent AKB48 Senbatsu General Election that took place today, Japan time, the rivalry between Maeda Atsuko and Oshima Yuko for number one has been both dramatic and competitive. Oshima turned out to take second place, just 17,049 votes short than Maeda. Last year, it was vice versa; Oshima took first whilst Maeda took second for the first time ever in AKB48 history. Perhaps it was due to the fact that Maeda was also acting, and had not really fully participated in the AKB48 body. But this year, regardless if she is in the process of filming Moshidora, she has still taken first place. Furthermore, Maeda may have gotten more votes simply because of her upcoming single, Flower. This may have attracted more fans.
It may also have to do with fans' impact from last year's results. Because Oshima won for the first time, and Maeda gave a dramatic speech, the fans might have slightly regretted the fact that Maeda did not win first-- a result that was expected for most fans. Encouragement from Maeda's fans were clearly seen after the elections last year. More and more comments were seen on her blog posts, going from 3000 to nearly 20,000. Even still, her comments exceeds more than 10,000. A big leap.
Now with Maeda taking first, she now has the lead role in all AKB48 music videos and concerts. Oshima has done a great job in Heavy Rotation, as well as their other hit songs. She still has yet to have the potential to become number one, although it might be harder considering the fact that Maeda is involved in numerous TV shows, dramas, and records, while Oshima is primarily focused in AKB.
It may also have to do with fans' impact from last year's results. Because Oshima won for the first time, and Maeda gave a dramatic speech, the fans might have slightly regretted the fact that Maeda did not win first-- a result that was expected for most fans. Encouragement from Maeda's fans were clearly seen after the elections last year. More and more comments were seen on her blog posts, going from 3000 to nearly 20,000. Even still, her comments exceeds more than 10,000. A big leap.
Now with Maeda taking first, she now has the lead role in all AKB48 music videos and concerts. Oshima has done a great job in Heavy Rotation, as well as their other hit songs. She still has yet to have the potential to become number one, although it might be harder considering the fact that Maeda is involved in numerous TV shows, dramas, and records, while Oshima is primarily focused in AKB.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
SNSD and their hectic schedule
SNSD, also known to be Girls Generation, is a widely known all-female kpop group that has attracted many fans around the world merely for their uplifting songs, as well as their attractive personalities and looks. They have performed in many concerts and tours in Asia, and their popularity maintains to be successful. But in some cases, the number of shows they perform can be hectic. As of June, the group is scheduled to perform a couple of times in Japan, and then fly for Paris the next day to perform there and stay for less than a week, fly back to Japan, and fly back to Korea and perform. Days when they're not performing are known to be rehearsal days.
The members of SNSD, it seems, cannot handle their hectic schedule. In fact, one member fainted during the middle of a performance and was hospitalized. Although she turned out to be fine, and apologized to her fans who were watching the performance, it still proves that they are facing one darn busy schedule. Seeing members with tired looks in their faces when they perform just ruins the moment of the performance. You can't prove a performance great if the members are not getting enough sleep. It is way better when they can get some rest and then perform. It'll be much better for the members and for the fans. I'm sure nobody wants to see them perform when they are tired! Who'd want that?
Whoever is organizing this schedule does need to think it over, because it is literally ruining the fame of the group. Just imagine how tired these girls are when they rehearse every single day and perform very frequently. Girls who have not had much sleep fly to another country, and quite possibly suffer from jet lag, an even worse condition to be in. Then they are to perform the very next day in front of thousands of fans who are yelling and screaming from the top of their lungs which might in fact give the members a headache. Then they head back to Japan, rehearse, and perform in front of another pack of screamers while suffering from jet lag and lack of sleep. Furthermore, when they are performing, they have to act as if they're not tired at all when they are extremely. They have to talk in front of them, dance in front of them, making sure that every single move is not mistaken.
The media and SNSD's entertainment group should rethink this crazy schedule and find out how the members could get some rest.
The members of SNSD, it seems, cannot handle their hectic schedule. In fact, one member fainted during the middle of a performance and was hospitalized. Although she turned out to be fine, and apologized to her fans who were watching the performance, it still proves that they are facing one darn busy schedule. Seeing members with tired looks in their faces when they perform just ruins the moment of the performance. You can't prove a performance great if the members are not getting enough sleep. It is way better when they can get some rest and then perform. It'll be much better for the members and for the fans. I'm sure nobody wants to see them perform when they are tired! Who'd want that?
Whoever is organizing this schedule does need to think it over, because it is literally ruining the fame of the group. Just imagine how tired these girls are when they rehearse every single day and perform very frequently. Girls who have not had much sleep fly to another country, and quite possibly suffer from jet lag, an even worse condition to be in. Then they are to perform the very next day in front of thousands of fans who are yelling and screaming from the top of their lungs which might in fact give the members a headache. Then they head back to Japan, rehearse, and perform in front of another pack of screamers while suffering from jet lag and lack of sleep. Furthermore, when they are performing, they have to act as if they're not tired at all when they are extremely. They have to talk in front of them, dance in front of them, making sure that every single move is not mistaken.
The media and SNSD's entertainment group should rethink this crazy schedule and find out how the members could get some rest.
97 degrees no joke
Today is such a blazing hot day. 97 Degrees, no kidding. Record high on the month of June.
School is almost over. With the heat plus the feeling that school is almost over makes me not want to go to school anymore.
School is almost over. With the heat plus the feeling that school is almost over makes me not want to go to school anymore.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Bad Biology
Tomorrow I have a Biology test that I'm not too confident about. Which is bad. I pray that I will not fail. It should not be that hard. Other students are blaming the teacher for not going over any of these topics in class. Which is true.
Bleh. I will do the best I can. I will not fail. I will not fail. I will not fail. I will not fail. I will not fai--
Bleh. I will do the best I can. I will not fail. I will not fail. I will not fail. I will not fail. I will not fai--
Saturday, June 4, 2011
A Prayer

This evening was a day where a gathering of people prayed together and listened to The Boys and Girls Choir of Harlem sing aloud various songs from Mozart's Ave Verum corpus to the traditional Sakura Sakura to help send relief efforts to Japan as well as comforting the people around us. This performance was meant to, according to Rikako Asanuma, the founder of this evening's performance and the pianist, connect us all by "building a bridge from the east to the west, all across the Pacific Ocean and be together and sing together." The large banner that hung up on the wall read, "How good it is when brothers and sisters dwell together in harmony". This message sums up the sole purpose of the performance.
The pamphlet read that this was a benefit concert for Japan and Southern U.S, but it seemed like the concert only performed Japan-based songs and speeches and not so much about the South.
During the end of the concert after the choir performed a beautiful prayer song and I exited the church, it started to rain. It started to rain just after I took a step outside. This tells me that the world was spiritual and that, in some cases, He exists.
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