
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Friday, June 24, 2011

Mild Rant on Stuff

Does anyone else hate the feeling when your mom just gets more annoying than ever? The feeling that inevitably makes you say, "Just shut up, I get it already!!!"

Whenever I don't respond to what she says or asks, she ALWAYs freakin' yells at me for not saying anything. That I have to respond ALL the time. Even during moments where it isn't the most appropriate. For instance, imagine yourself relaxing in your home. Your here, in your home, and all you want is to have a little moment to yourself. Suddenly, your mom starts talking about things to you. Clearly, you are not willing to respond either because you are in that relaxation mode or just plain tired. How would you feel if your mom started yelling at you for not responding? Wouldn't that just spoil your relaxation? Exactly.

Presumably, she is doing this so she can improve my fundamental communication skills, but mom, find a way to this more efficiently.

I do not intend to hate. Just an idea that just needs to be expressed out of my head.

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