
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Took a quiz called "What Type of Haruki Murakami Character are You" and got loner salaryman with impeccable tastes. I am colorless Tsukuru, and the narrator from A Wild Sheep Chase.

While thinking about it more in detail, every object you own has its own story, whether it be the jacket you are wearing now to the device you are using to read this.

The computer you own has been designed in Cupertino, California, assembled in China, and shipped to your hometown. It's been with you for years and is your go-to partner for finding out global, instantaneous information, processing documents, watching movies and television shows, and organizing photos and music. It's been on your lap, a tremendous number of desks and tables, the bed, and hopefully not on the floor. It has been charged fully repeatedly, your very fingerprints leaving a mark on almost every keyboard button by now, namely the space bar. It has been clutched in your arms, put in your bag, zipped up in a case, put in a separate bin during security check at the airport. A few times it caught a fever and you had to schedule an appointment at the Genius Bar. You've been separated with it a few times as it had to go through an operation. A few tear drops later it comes back, operating as smooth as ever. Such is your Mac.

Just finished taking an exam but the show does not stop here. Next week calls for another exam, a quiz, and a paper.

But I got to admit that finishing an exam and realizing that I have no classes until Monday feels nice as ever.

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