
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


The subway was crowded as it was rush hour. Businessmen and women coming home from work, a few tourists here and there.

Stand clear of the closing doors please.

At the station commuters were adroitly navigating their way to their trains as the saxophone player on the side leisurely played his piece.

Baby Ting and I met up in Chinatown and she guided me to the restaurant.

"We're here!" she said.
In front was a typical deli.
"Here?!" I asked.
"No just kidding."
We resumed to walk along the street. We walked several blocks and turned at corners.
"We're here!" she said.
This time we were in front of a bakery.
"Oh here?"
We continued to walk up a little more and arrived at a seemingly new restaurant.
"We're hereee!"
"Oh here?"
"Yeah it's actually here."

I had dinner with baby Ting and her friends in Chinatown. The food was really good as it was legit. It was nice seeing her friends. We talked a little about our backgrounds, what kind of job we wanted to pursue, and the like.
"You know, Sean is...," Ting said. "Japanese."
"Ohhhh," they said all in unison.
"You know, Sean does.... taekwondo."


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