
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Fever has gone down, but the virus has not left my body yet. Less dizzy. Throat slightly hurts. One more day in the dorm and a visit to the doctors tomorrow should be enough for me to recover from the fever completely.

I realized my previous roommate eating at the dining hall alone so I sat by him.
"How are you liking it here?" I asked.
"I might transfer to Binghamton," he immediately says. "There's something about this place."
I waited for him to continue while twirling spaghetti on my fork.
"I don't know I can't really explain it."
"Probably because you live here. As known as the worst quad to live in."
"I don't know it might be. Or maybe kind of like how you thought about your previous college."
I thought about my previous college. Artsy, hipster, small, lifeless, very few asians.
I took a swig of my lemonade and cleared my throat. "So you might become a double transfer," I laughed.
"Yeah," he said.

If there's ever a class that I would want to drop right this instant it would be the so-called comparative politics class. The worse part is that it meets three times a week. Two lectures, one discussion section. The professor knows too much. He's one of those professors who is extremely smart but cannot teach at all. He goes on and on talking about random, arcane political theory that nobody frankly cares about except that one political nerd who follows up with questions and argues with the professor. The discussion section is even worse. In the class the TA speaks really quietly and you'd really have to lean in to know what she's saying. There are two to three political nerds who keep blabbing and going off topic, and a kid who laughs like a frog. I'm here in my seat waiting to fall asleep any minute.

I don't even have the textbook, haven't done anything, don't even know what the topic we are focusing on currently.

Why did I take it in the first place? I thought it would complement journalism. And I can't say I didn't find American Politics interesting last semester. So I thought I'd give this a shot. My first instinct was no, but I figured why not.

First instincts are usually always the best choice. Go with your gut.

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