
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Japan Earthquake Tsunami

3 years ago on this very day Japan had been punctured. It was an unprecedented disaster that swept away resident houses and cars and took away the lives of thousands of civilians just like that. The massive 9.0 earthquake and tsunami was no easy occurrence to bear-- it destroyed and crippled the Fukushima Daiichi Powerplant, leaking a large mass of radiation across the nation. It lead to aftershocks. Roads and towns up north were swept away. A boat washed up on land while the massive waves swept the bodies of those who had no time for mitigation. It haunted residents, instilled anxiety about the consequences, holding dearly to them the hope and recovery of their home land.

Japan is in fact the place where just about every type of natural disaster can occur. From volcanoes to typhoons, they can expect anything. 

3 months after the incident I wrote a novella based on it "Punctured Japan", (時間の向こうがわ」where the protagonist who had lost his family and his home, shelters himself in the deserted streets of Tokyo and faces the inevitable, psychological trauma of loss and love. It was the first all-out story I have ever written. 

Today is a day of rememberance. Mourn for those who have lost their lives, to those who have lost their loved ones, to those who have been injured, to those who have lost their homes, to those who sacrificed themselves in sheer bravery, to all of those who have aided the recovery of the earthquake tsunami.

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