
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

On a blissfully beautiful day where the sun was at its zenith, we were on the Staten Island ferry observing the panoramic scenery of the Manhattan island. The wind was heavy but as soon as we came to a halt at Manhattan, the weather began to become hot again.

For lunch we stopped by at a local pizza shop in the financial district as I admired the aesthetics of the old-fashioned buildings around. I never knew there was a place in the city like this where there were hidden alleyways and restaurants. We resumed to walk around all the way to Chinatown, failing to find a decent halal food stand. We ate at her recommended place as I had pork and she had chicken with mushrooms. Delicious as it filled my stomach good.

In the evening we sat by the river in Battery Park, watching the sun sink. With my arm around her we stood close and took in the light breeze and the drifting waters. Panting runners passed by behind us. All the while it reminded me of summer. With my itchy eyes from pollen, she and I stood there for a good half an hour. It was a peaceful moment with her, just she and I together watching the sun drift down by Jersey city. With her by my side, it was such a lovely feeling.

I sent her home when nighttime fell. We stood adjacent from her door, talking about how much fun we had today. Across the street two kitchen staff from a restaurant were loitering, smoking. A group of customers came out of the restaurant seeming to talk about the quality of the food. A cockroach ran across the street in front of us. All in all it was a quiet night. Cars barely passed by the block here.

"Every minute of my day is worth it when I'm with you," I said.

We hugged and kissed. We couldn't find the right moment to say good night. It was such a lovely date. This summer we were going to explore the entire N.Y.C. And it gets better and better.

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