
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Friday, November 21, 2014

I don't need to be that guy that girls swoon over, nor the guy who is the most popular in the school. I'm just doing my own thing at my own pace without having to try too hard. I dress depending on my mood  and also to express myself. I believe that good things are bound to come naturally if I stay true to who I am. That's just the best way and most important. Just do me, and be proud of it. Who cares about what others feel. It's what you do, and you're entitled to do what you want.

And that goes for every individual. Be yourself, because you are one of a kind and there's only one you. You're already unique so embrace it and live it up.

The bright side of life is always there, and it's ideal to look toward it.

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