
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Monday, November 17, 2014

There's something about today that just makes everything so dull and ugh. It makes me so mad.

Yeah, just "ugh."

That word perfectly describes the day so far.

The weather is terrible. Precipitation my ass.

I bumped into my friend who seemed to be pissed off because we kicked him off the demo team. I felt really terrible because he is one of my good friends. But it had to be done somehow. Showing up to practice is crucial and it's not fair for everyone else.

Then my other friends said they couldn't believe that I could have a conversation with anyone for an hour... What kind of bullshit is that. Am I that quiet? That literally threw me off. I feel like nobody could make me happy at the moment.

I don't know. Maybe i'm just not optimistic enough. Or maybe I'm just exhausted from partying two nights in a row. Today is just total shit.

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