
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Friday, July 25, 2014

B and I finally had dinner around my neighborhood but she didn't seem to enjoy it thoroughly.

"I think it's good," I said.
She chewed the chicken, studying it. "No but the chicken itself. You have to try the Szechuan in Chinatown."

I guess it wasn't  the greatest according to B, but I personally savored the taste. We went down on a little stroll as I told her the noteworthy stores and eateries around town.

"B do you want ice cream?"
"B do you want cream puffs?"
"Nope, but do youuu?"
"I'm actually full."

"I wanna sit," she said.
I had in mind of the park benches but it was too dirty and homeless men were congregating the area.
"It's too oily in there."

It was a fun, little date with B. The way she walks, her cute outfit and smile and face and laugh. She was wearing the necklace I gave her back in Valentine's Day and it brought me back.

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