
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Sunday, July 6, 2014

I met my friend from my previous college and he was all the same. Wearing the same, black tee from last year. He stands tall, about 6'2, with a booming voice that could be heard miles away. Standing, he would tower over me. We talked about what previous suitemates who haven't seen each other for a year would talk about. Do you still see that guy around campus? How's life over there? and all of that. Under the hot summer sun, we ate Chipotle for lunch and played arcade games nearby. Skeeball, Colorama and all the games that made us feel nostalgic of childhood. 

Last year we ate Chipotle at the same place, and I managed to take a picture today and compare it from last year. I guess the only stark difference are the glasses. 

There was really no highlight for the day as we just chilled on the benches just taking in the summer sun and the bright and tall skyscrapers around us. 

"So any crazy college stories?" he asked, seeming bored. 

I thought about one real hard. And the one that I remembered vividly was the time a friend threw her birthday party in her dorm. There were about five girls, and two guys. All of the girls took shots, except for B, and they threw a little party blasting out kpop songs, then, about thirty minutes in, they started to get dizzy and drunk; some even yelled out nonsense, calling people's names. Another kept stumbling and we had to support her to keep her up. Another was drooling saliva and we had to use a tissue to clean it up. Long story short. They all threw up. So B and I, along with the other guy, all had to clean it up. It wasn't somewhere you wanted to be. 

"Well, I'm going to stop eating," he said.
"Didn't mean to bring it up at this time," I laughed. 
"No it's all good." 

In the end I took him to a 1$ pizza joint and the slices tasted like plastic. Never will I ever set foot there again. I don't know how there are good reviews there, but it's just not at all great. After I went to a Starbuck's and the name that they wrote down spelled,


Way off. 

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