
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Friday, July 11, 2014

Went to the local Halal food cart stand that I had yet to try near my block. I wasn't expecting the greatest but I gave it a shot for a lunch. I sat down at the park and munched away. At the time I wished I could rewind back time and refrain myself from eating it. The chicken was too watery, soft and tasted like lamb. The ranch sauce was terribly bland and the entire chicken over rice was utterly unappetizing. I washed the aftertaste with pepsi. The best halal is, and always will be, the Halal Guys.

With my scooter I cruised around the park, through the path and on the road. I've been maneuvering this two wheeler for years that it was like second nature to me. I didn't need to use both hands (just one), could swish through pedestrians and narrow pathways and zoom down hills. Okay, if there were rolling hills like the one's in San Francisco, I'll reconsider that. Whenever I cruised in a road with a lot of pedestrians I'd slow down and hold down the fender and the handle brake. I aimed to be as less distracting to the flow of the road as possible, like a driver.

Without much to do, Fridays didn't seem so rewarding. Everyday seemed like a Friday to me recently that the actual Friday did not mean anything at all. And that was a really unfortunate feeling. I mean, sometimes it's alright to have some relaxation but in my case it was kind of getting old. I needed some productivity, aside from exercising and reading and writing. I wanted to work in an office whether it be journalism or PR or anything and experience the working world, get some cash, and feel how a Friday really feels like during the summer.

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