
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Friday, June 6, 2014


An amazing birthday extravaganza with B. First day had dinner with her suitemates and then the day after went to a rather mature restaurant. Frequently they'd converse in Chinese, leaving me to be left in a pretty confused state. I'd have to rely on B to translate for me and tell me what's going on. 

It was a scorching hot day. Wiping the sweat off my brow, I headed over to Bs with a bouquet of flowers clutched in my arms.

At Bs friend's home, B and I sat on the bed, the rattling noise of the train wheels hitting against the tracks outside echoing into the room as if thunder. I brought out the small, cupcake, stabbed two candles that represented me and her, and lit them. Making her wish with tears, she blew the candles, the smoke billowing in the air. It was our private celebration together, just the two of us, and it was such a meaningful moment that I will cherish in my life. 

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