
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Sunday, June 8, 2014

ELMONT, N.Y. -- 36 years later, and the Triple Crown Trophy remains unclaimed. The 146th Belmont Stakes were held earlier today and California Chrome, the shining horse ready to make history, fell short, ending up fourth in the race and upsetting spectators who were expecting a big win. Tonalist placed first. The owner of California Chrome, Steve Colburn, infuriated, stated that he will never get to see a Triple Crown race in his life. Many fans were lo...

And yeah no need to go any further. I myself was looking forward to see the Triple Crown but California Chrome just seemed to not have it in today. 

Speaking of this, it's such a disappointing day for sports. The Rangers recently just lost game 2 of the Stanley Cup Finals after double overtime, and the Yankees lost as well in Kansas City. 

But in sports you win or lose. Nothing in between. That's the beauty of it. 

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