
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Monday, June 30, 2014

The instructor and I were in the car, a Toyota model a little more upgraded than the one I drove before. In this Toyota, the stick shift was right next to the steering wheel and there was one digital screen as the dashboard. The instructor facilitated the lesson in a mix of Japanese and English, very keen and aware of my flaws. At certain times he would ask me to pull-over and would draw a diagram of the road and intersection showing how, when and where to turn using a model car. At one point he and I switched seats and he demonstrated how to properly parallel park and execute a three-point turn. Very helpful and understanding and funny.

While parallel parking, the sun was hitting right on us and I was sweating bullets. A stream of sweat started to drip down along my temple.

"Hot?" he asked in Japanese.
"Very," I said, wiping it off with the back of my hand.

My road test is tomorrow. Nervous but I know that I am going to pass it on one go. Just do what I've always been doing and it shouldn't be so troubling.

B and I finally got the running shoes, Java. At lastttt.

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