
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Haven't gotten a chance to update my college life recently. Right now I have a few minutes to spare so here goes.

Taekwondo is going alright. I attend three times a week. I assist on Mondays.

Every morning I get up around 9, always hoping that the bathroom isn't occupied. Living with four other people can be a nuisance sometimes. Sometimes I don't have a chance to eat breakfast because one, I can barely cook, and two, there aren't many things to eat. I could head off to the market and purchase some bread or so but that's such a hassle especially for a college student like me.

The nearest dining hall, at a walking distance, is about ten minutes away. There is a shuttle that takes me to campus but I always somehow end up missing it.

Classes are becoming dull and dull except Japanese, a class where I actually participate for once. In that class you kind of have to participate or else you'll lose points. Always thought it's cute when Korean girls speak in Japanese. There was one that was particularly pretty.

"I got her number," my friend in the class says, smoking a cigarette.

He was a Korean-American who was, aside from the slight accent, fluent in Japanese. What's more, he nearly knew everything about Japanese culture, from cigarette brands to manzai performers. He's been to places in Japan I've never been to before, and he's read an entire Murakami novel in Japanese.

"She thought I was Japanese," he continued.

"No shit you're fluent."

He laughed.

Otherwise for me it's all about reading war stories, journalism theories, and Plato. Someday all these studies will pay off.

I usually spend my leisure time listening to the Beatles either reading or writing. It's always one or the other.

I'm so not excited about my wisdom tooth. Jesus.

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