
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Saturday, September 13, 2014

On a rainy, afternoon it finally hit me that most of my friends are seniors. The attractive Korean girl in my class is a senior. Everybody is a senior.

"She's so basic, though," my friend said, who happened to talk to her via Kakao.

There's that upperclassmen world you get in once you reach that certain stage.

Yesterday was the longest day I've had in a while.

I got up at 6 a.m. and headed to the dentist. I came back to get breakfast, went to my classes, stopped by at my friend's dorm, went to a taekwondo party, and guilt tripped my friends to come.

He went outside for a smoke.

Then we all went back to get some chinese food.

Then I missed 2 buses because it reached its capacity.

It was really cold. 48 degrees.

Estimated arrival time: 3 a.m.

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