
1Q84 World. 5/2015

Monday, September 29, 2014

Plato makes out with a giraffe

A dream where I made out with a giraffe... This was so awkward and strange and disturbing in so many ways.  A giraffe just suddenly came up to me and starting kissing me on the lips. Its face was satisfied. I couldn't believe it.

Prior to this whole incident I remember in my dream going to a Japanese restaurant to see my mother's acquaintance, who was off to Japan, then walking outside on a whim with my plate and seemed to forget my water bottle. Then I walked into a movie theater that had a small screen but they were playing the news. It seemed more of a large conference room than a theater. The audience, dressed in business casual attire, were watching the screen, losing interest. 

I looked up some meanings for seeing giraffes in my dreams and most say that it's the idea of needing to "reach out" more in life. But perhaps I dreamed of giraffes from my hours of studying Plato and his entire concept of the myth of Er, the throne of necessity, where people have the option to choose to be reborn as either a human or an animal in the afterlife. Damn it, Plato! And the idea of the people watching the screen represents the Allegory of the Cave, where we are being manipulated to believe that this news is what's most important and nothing else! Or perhaps this whole dream came from reading Woody Allen's obscure chapter on transubstantiation.

But the whole idea of kissing a giraffe... was something way out of the ordinary.

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